Hello bloggers!
Life is still manic for me at the moment! Although, these last couple of months I have been ‘LIVING LIFE’ instead of being so bothered with ‘the perfect snapshot of this moment’. But, I miss my camera being my constant accessory. I miss almost falling down stairs while trying to change lenses or load film. I miss tripping on the pavement while looking for the perfect location. I miss remembering the colours of doors on streets and not what the name of it is.
So here I am.
I am excited.
I am ready to EMBRACE the world again from behind my camera!
I’ve still been taking pictures (obviously!), and to inspire myself, I’ve been slowly uploading to my photo blog. And I’ve been relatively good at uploading from recent parties.
Um. I just have to share because…
how cute is Geo to capture this moment?
Thank you!
(at Jon’s best friend’s birthday. They had a UV light, so we got UV paint and got everyone’s faces! More here. And- how cool are they? They make CHAI at like, early hours of the morning. Ohh. That’s what I’m thankful for this November. Chai at parties.)
I have been glued to my fisheye&ringflash when I go out lately, but yesterday was the first time in ages that I’ve just got really trigger-happy and recorded all my friend’s beautiful faces. Lunches are such happy times for me lately. It feels nice to give myself this break everyday (I used to work solidly from 8:30 to 4:00 at school). Which, obviously means I’m not getting as much done, but my heart is much happier with these lovely folk.
I have a million updates, but basically, my mission is to get snapping again! I need my groove back! I’m pretty sure that my new iPHONE has inspired this itch!!!!
It is my babybaby and my trusty steed and I LOVE him to pieces. I finally have my ‘Mr. Steed’. We’re needed!
Oh my- and I have spent the day in the darkroom today. There is nothing like getting smelly and spending hours alone in the dark! Haha. Some loves from my Apple Cider Party ages ago. [: Black and White is my friend for winter!
Well, my dad has just walked through the door with 5 rolls of film processed for me, so see you later!!!
LOVE, kimxxoo
p.s. who’s shooting film this winter? I DARE you!
mmmm. this is totally inspiring me! love it.
Posted by: Kara | November 28, 2008 at 04:26 AM
this is quite a lovely post!
Posted by: dani | December 03, 2008 at 02:00 AM