i'm thinking about what i post online. the work i share- the amount of sites i'm involved in;
blogger. typepad.
that's a lot. is this normal? do i care? i am finding it so tedious posting a blog, then uploading it onto flickr and sometimes facebook and now tumblr. repeat. repeat. repeat. is this necessary?
i'm an organization freak. i have waaay too many sets on flickr.
but i like it.
still, it would be nice to have everything in one place. so i continue to ponder.
(kind of nervous to post this.
probably something you didn't know; i swear, i really like rude drawings and cheeky artwork and i'm actually fine with people who smoke.)
ha. go figure.
right now i wish i had enough energy to get my website/portfolio together.
Ha! I love it! (the drawing) I just had to go save the day and pretended to put my cape on. (seriously...maybe I shouldn't be sharing THAT! lol) My friend said it was tye-died. I love your posts...whatever you feel like sharing! ;) xoxo
Posted by: Jamie Habermaas | August 05, 2009 at 06:13 PM
I'm trying to gather the energy/gumption to get my design portfolio (interior design, for school) together too... although it's not really related to my blog life. :)
Oh, and dude... cuss. It's your blog. I would cuss on my blog, but I don't much in real life, and all my friends point and laugh when I do. Ha!
Posted by: Mandi Johnson | August 05, 2009 at 06:37 PM
I feel the same way...but that's just how you spread the inspiration around! :P
And I don't swear, KimPop (can I call you that? That was totally off the top of my head haha :P), but I love it! It may definitely be my next desktop photo haha
Posted by: Ashley Watts | August 05, 2009 at 06:48 PM
you make me laugh! you're british, right? embrace it baby! ;)
Posted by: Erin | August 05, 2009 at 08:40 PM
I have no answers, but I'm really impressed by how much you post, and how awesome and inspiring every post is. The way I see it, if it's not fun, don't do it! Everyone has enough things in life that aren't fun, you don't have to self-inflict more. [Sabbaticals are OK.]
Smile! XD
Posted by: Jessie | August 06, 2009 at 05:14 AM
I hate that feeling too, posting everywhere. That's why the idea of just having one solid place sounds good. Someday I'll get my own domain. Good luck.
PS. That sketch is aweseom.
Posted by: Rachell | August 06, 2009 at 03:46 PM
Ha ha ha! Genius sketch! i am involved with all of the above, minus tumblr. And anyone who says they don't swear, lies!
Posted by: Alexa | August 06, 2009 at 06:46 PM