i feel like i should do a sentimental post or a post about goals.
i don't feel ready to do either of those right now.
i don't know how to talk about this past year. (i've written this about 10 times...)
i know there have been a lot of positives and overall things look good, but i've been faced with challenges everyday. for everything great that's happened, there has been an equally difficult or sad thing that i've had to deal with.
i'm not here to complain- at all- i know i have chosen well and am making a wonderful life for myself, plus the support i have is incredible (thank you). but i've always been honest. i struggle with my health.
i appreciate your patience with me. i know i haven't been that reliable with posting blogs and consistent etsy updates. all of your comments, e-mails, twitter followers, facebook friends, flickr favourites, tumblr followers- and all of you who have stuck around since before i became a tired one, they all cheer me. [: (p.s. I'M NEVER GOING TO STOP MAKING ART. EVER.)so although nothing is magically going to get better any time soon, i'm ready for another year. i have some exciting things planned and university to focus on and a whole bunch of love in my life.i hope you hug someone really tight this week, get your party animal out (for me) if you can, and get a really hot kiss on new years eve.
p.s. these are some film photos from nov. love that lomo.