Hey everyone! This is my favourite outfit for a day when I want to get lots of stuff done, but still need to look nice. I'm pretty sure the girls at Prick Your Finger saw this several times during our photoshoot sessions. haha! What can I say- if it ain't broken, don't fix it! [:
The badges are super special and also PYF related. Felix from KnitSonik made this wonderful sets of knitting and sound related badges from vintage bits and bobs. All one of kind and all totally incredible. I snagged a set- the bobbin and waves- while shooting them at the shop. They are my all time favourite.
Also, my go-to hairstyle is Marcia Brady pig-tails. [: The white jumper here was a thrift find in London, just past Brixton. I wore it on the plane, it's so comfy & goes with everything. Forget grey topshop cardigans, girls- you need an old white cable jumper. haha.
Toms. always. well, as long as it's not raining.
Outift details::
Hairties: ribbon
Jumper: Thrifted near Brixton
Badges: KnitSonik/Prick Your Finger
Dress: vintage- Ebay.
jeggins: H&M
Shoes: TomsAnd of course, that's Louie my delicious Vespa. Kimxo
I love that outfit!! Nothing's better than a lovely cozy cardigan! I think we should go thrifting when autumn comes around! :)
Oh! This made me laugh, I set my mum the google-challenge of finding some good yarn shops in London town, and she yelled from the next room, "Look Amy! This one's called Prick Your Finger! They have their wool on bikes!" Happy days :)
Posted by: Amy | August 12, 2011 at 07:23 AM