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August 25, 2011


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Kara Haupt

Oh, this warms my heart! I love both so much. You are the sweetest ever!


Oh this is super cute!


These are pretty amazing, y'know that?! Am passing the time waiting for my train (small public transport fail!) by catching up on your blog! So thankyou! But my phone is failing at letting me comment properly! Haha. Axx

Michelle Clement

Love these, Kim!! :) They're so gorgeous! I'm so happy to see you playing with paper, again...

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Sweet Kara Haupt asked me to do a few pages as examples for her newest and greatest class called This That. I've been following along and I've got to say it's super inspiring! The format of the class is...

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Sweet Kara Haupt asked me to do a few pages as examples for her newest and greatest class called This That. I've been following along and I've got to say it's super inspiring! The format of the class is...


I saw these pages at her blog, and seeing your blog I realized how talented you are! Your blog is so beautiful! I am definitely following!

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