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December 13, 2012


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I am DELIGHTED to be one of your friends Kim, and you are ALWAYS more than welcome to pop home. x0x0x I feel VERY lucky to have a wonderful daughter like you.


Aw this is beautiful! What's even more beautiful? That your parents comment on your blog too! Ahhh so lovely, I feel all warm and squishy :)

Alexandria xx

Rita Jo

Wow. Those photos make your parents' home look so comfortable! Also, I adore the fact that Negs travels with you. Precious.


You're so very lucky to have parents that get along! It wasn't that long ago that my parents got divorced and they don't get along, so I am definitely one of those people who doesn't have it as good as you. I'm so glad that you totally appreciate it!


Lovely post - you are indeed very lucky to be so close to your parents. I wasn't close with mine for many years, but have grown close in recent years. Something I cherish dearly these days :) x

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