Probably the thing I get the most questions about is: Art School! That's cool cause I love art school, but it is a many faceted beast that is hard to tame.
I uploaded a vlog the other day that talks about setting standards for yourself and what happens when you don't meet them.
It's OKAY guys. Try your best & you'll be fine. Love you.
p.s. Subscribe & like if you liked. :] it all helps! Thanks.
Lovely video and very reassuring. I'm in my first year of art school and just doing boring foundation classes, but it's good to remember try your best, but also not to be to hard on yourself. I know that I need reminding that just because I didn't do well on something I worked hard on, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. <3
Posted by: Caroline | March 15, 2013 at 01:14 AM
I love being able to to relate to you Kim because we are both in art school and I know exactly how it is. I'm going into my senior year next fall for my bfa in watercolor and its terrifying. I can't imagine having the work you are doing now be apart of you final. People can change so much in a short time. The struggles and successes both help you grow and become a better artist. Goodluck sweetheart!
Posted by: Rebecca | March 15, 2013 at 04:20 AM
You have a lovely blog! I really enjoyed your posts about dyeing and spinning. I'm a returning student in my 30s studying art in Portland OR. I can definitely relate to this video. It's hard to put so much work into projects and have them not come out like you hoped. It's all part of the learning process. :) Take care - Tricia
Posted by: Tricia | March 15, 2013 at 05:33 AM
Thanks for this video. I dream one day I can be like you. :
Posted by: editing an essay | March 18, 2013 at 05:38 AM
back when i was studying i had finals that counted for 75% of the mark and i blanked. it's haunted me, but you know what - your video reminded me that we are all human and with that comes failures and successes.
Posted by: j | June 12, 2013 at 02:40 PM