Hi everyone. :] I've noticed that I really like 'getting dressed' to 'go to work'. What I mean is, when I come down stairs and open the door that leads from my house to the shop, I like to be dressed as if I was going to work in an office or studio where other people would be. Even if I'm just working in the shop all by myself all day, just doing accounts or editing photos. Somehow wearing real shoes and feeling 'photo ready' makes me motivated to get stuff done.Now, I definately don't do this everyday. In fact, due to my CFS, I often have to stay in comfy clothes all day. And some days I don't even make it downstairs except to feed the cat. I'm digressing... Basically these shoes make me feel like a bad ass business lady. And pink lipstick makes me feel grownup.
Do you have a piece of clothing or a hairstyle or a type of beauty product that makes you feel super confident and like you want to make stuff happen?!
Everything is second hand except for my socks and leggings (ALL my leggings seem to have either paint on them or holes in them. Artist life!). Shirt is a hand me down from Dad. Skirt from Loot in Bristol, the Vest is handwoven but I found it in a vintage store (I think Repsycho in Bristol) and my shoes are actually from a friend's closet when they were having a clearout.
Can we just talk about height for a minute? I'm super tall. Like, nearly 6ft. And I'm not exactly a tiny person (or model-like). So I've always shyed away from heels of any kind. But in the last year or so I've been like 'Screw it!'... If I want to wear heels and they make me feel amazing, then I'm going to do it! So, I'm sorry friends if I stand next to you and seem like a giant while I wear my comfy comfy bright pink wedges. hehe. :]
Love Kimxo
I love your shoes, no wonder they make you feel fabulous. I have a pair of Victorian looking heeled boots that are incredibly comfortable, because they fit like a glove, but make me feel elegant and fabulous.
Posted by: Chrissy Fletcher | June 07, 2014 at 09:09 AM
Love the outfit! I think my fave part is the shoes and the matching pink hair, co cool! The little cardigan is sweet too!
- Becky x
Posted by: Becky | June 09, 2014 at 08:26 PM